Nineteen eighty-four,
You black-hearted year
That such as he should die at your behest,
This dream filled gentle person
Should leave our troubled side,
For as we sit and grieve, and sink
Into an abyss of despair, with the realisation
Of life's twisted fate,
Our only visionary has just died
Lost forever,
How those words bite
At the very flash of our hearts and souls,
We should weep until the very end of time
For now, there can be no tomorrow,
Our already hardened journeys
Take on an added struggle and distance,
The once bright sunlight fades
And we travel perpetually in the dark,
The pain of loss shows its full potential
Expanding our own hurt and sorrow.
Farewell sleeping soul
Covered in death by the wings of Angels
Your written words transcend the bitterness
Felt at your untimely passing,
May the Almighty Father caress your memories of life
Spent rhythmically enhancing the dreams of Man
Oh Lord please safeguard this man's compassion and wisdom
That he has shared with us, for eternity.