A woman's love is like a gentle breeze,
Softly whispered secrets through rustled leaves.
A storied tapestry slowly retold.
Reveals love's majesty, as it unfolds.
A woman's love, an ascending flower,
Tender shoots climbing love's sweetest bower.
Her laughter, dulcet melody in the air.
A pastoral symphony, no overt fanfare.
A woman's love is like the ocean's tide,
Passions ebb and flow, land and surf collide.
Her eyes glimmer like stars bright in the night,
Guiding this wayward with radiant light.
A woman's love is like a journey's quest,
Navigating vales, surmounting each crest.
Her warm, gentle touch soothes my troubled brow
relegates sadness from the here and now.
A woman's love is like a work of art,
Sculpted masterpiece that's given a heart.
I treasure the smile as her gaze meets mine.
Our love grows stronger, with time after time.
A woman's love is there to be adored
Bound in an instant, and forevermore.
A woman's love is eternal and binds
everlasting love, heart, body, and mind.