Bluebird whistles in the air,
We were there, when
The bluebird dipped into the lake,
It reminds me of us, once singing sweetly
Then down,
Overcome by the black waters of indifference.
Bluebird rises up, not confidently
Spluttering shoreward, down, gone,
It reminds me of us, quick to love
Then speedily to oblivion.
Love remembered but hopelessly lost,
In those dark waters of Coniston.
We came here to recapture, rekindle, respark
We should have left it,
We should have walked away
We had to try, didn’t we
Just like the Bluebird
On those dark waters of Coniston
All gone now
Crashed, no survivors
Tried, failed, we knew
Unlike the Bluebird on the still waters of Coniston
Once was enough
We didn't need a second run,
I don’t need to be reminded anymore