Aspiring Writer for the last 50 years
Welcome to the official website of J.D. Russell.
As an aspiring writer, my mission in life is to tell stories of all kinds in many different ways. Take a look through the site to find everything from their latest work to past projects, I hope you enjoy and are inspired
All work on this site is the copyright of Russell Jacklin unless stated
Behind the Writer
Writing has always been a passion all the way through my life.
I write as J.D. Russell believing it adds a bit of class having a
nom de plume.
The writing was not something I thought I could make a living from and I still don't desire that, however, I do want to write books to leave as a legacy after I've gone.
It has always been just about my feelings, my experiences good and bad, none of which I've shared except through my writings.
Since turning my passion into a retirement obsession, I have written prolifically and I'm constantly exploring new themes, genres and ideas.
It’s incredibly hard work, but I'm never happier than when I sit down at my computer putting the opening words to a new piece of writing onto my screen especially children's stories which I write for my grandsons Jamie and Freddy and my granddaughter Deanna

Hopefully, by the end of this year (2022) I should have an anthology of poems published in a book entitled Blue Eyes through Black Mascara. (See breaking news below)
There will also be a follow-up book called Ramblings due out in mid 2023.
I am currently trying to master several children's books
I will keep you up to date
Breaking News
I released Blue Eyes through Black Mascara on Feb 1st 2023 available to purchase on Amazon and Kindle and Google at a cost of just £5. Email me if you are interested or just click the PayPal button at the top of the page and include your details and I will post one to you.
Thank You

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale"